Macbride Museum Of Yukon History

 ¿Qué ver en Macbride museum of yukon history, Whitehorse?

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The MacBride Museum of Yukon History is located in Whitehorse, Canada. It is open year-round, with hours varying depending on the season. From May to September, the museum is open daily from 10am to 6pm. From October to April, it is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 4pm. Admission prices are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and students, and $6 for children aged 6-17. Children under 6 are free.

The museum showcases the history and culture of the Yukon territory, with exhibits on the Gold Rush, First Nations people, and the natural environment. Visitors can also explore the museum's collection of artifacts, photographs, and artwork. The museum offers guided tours and educational programs for all ages.

In the surrounding area, visitors can explore the city of Whitehorse, with attractions such as the Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre and the S.S. Klondike National Historic Site. Outdoor enthusiasts can also enjoy hiking, fishing, and wildlife watching in the nearby wilderness areas.

For more information and to book tickets, visit the museum's official website at

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